MOVE with Kate is an online full body strength training.

If your goal is to be "fit for life", MOVE with Kate is for you!
This program is designed for individuals who do not currently strength train, but would like to start. 
It also suits those who strength train regularly, and are ready to switch it up,
and learn how to MOVE in a way that builds functional and foundational strength.

MOVE with Kate (full-body) workouts will teach you exactly how to strengthen your body
in a way that prevents injuries, addresses common muscle imbalances,
increases strength, all while scorching body fat.

*MOVE with Kate is suitable for beginners and intermediate/advanced personnel.
“I absolutely love these workouts.  They are quick and so effective. I've lost 9 pounds and gained so much strength and tone-and I actually enjoy working out for the first time in my life!  Thank you Kate!”
-Lissa M.


As a holistic personal trainer, I am more concerned about your overall health than I am your fitness. I am more focused on the health of your joints than I am how much weight you can lift or how many reps you can do. I’m more interested in your form, movement patterns, alignment, posture and preventing injury than I am how fast you can make “gains” and “transform” your body.

Don’t let this approach fool you, though! My strategy is different and so are the results. When you learn how to work WITH your body, instead of against it, your body will begin to transform. This unique approach will allow you reach your full potential, and finally conquer your health and fitness goals!
Are you ready to get in the best shape of your life?

Are you ready to improve your posture, address common
muscle imbalances and get rid of nagging joint pain?

Are you ready to build full-body, functional strength, and burn fat?

Are you ready to have the strongest core you’ve ever had?

Are you ready to work out with a movement guru and learn something new?


Who is MOVE with Kate for?
MOVE with Kate is for those who want to build a functional and strong foundation to build upon.

MOVE workouts are quick (30-40 minutes (max).
Each workout targets every muscle group in the body, especially the weak and neglected core muscles. 
MOVE with Kate will address common muscle imbalances, improve posture, 
get you sweating (detoxing), and leave you feeling worked over in all the “right places”.
MOVE with Kate schedule and options.
I recommend resting at least one day (2 if you are new) between MOVE workouts.
Beginners should aim for 2 (maybe 3 workouts/week),
while intermediate/advanced personnel can aim for 3-4 MOVE workouts/each week.
Keep in mind, the body adapts and becomes stronger during rest days, so make sure you don’t skimp on those!


MOVE with Kate 1.0

12 Workouts
Includes both beginner and intermediate/advanced


MOVE with Kate 2.0

8 Workouts
Includes both beginner and intermediate/advanced
*Start with MOVE 1.0 and if you like the workouts progress to MOVE 2.0
What do you need?
Loop resistance band
1-2 pairs of dumbbells (3-20lbs)

MOVE workouts can be done with body weight if you do not have access to dumbbells or resistance band.
Copyright © 2023 | Kate's Clean Life ™ | All Rights Reserved
Fitness Disclaimer
Always consult with a health professional before starting any new diet or workout program. No results, promises, or representations made anywhere on this website or in our marketing materials implies or guarantees your results.

All testimonials shared are real and verified by students/clients/participants of our programs/products. Your purchase of our products or programs does not guarantee the same results and any claims made here are only meant to be used as an estimate and examples of what's possible. You may end up with better, worse, or the same results, depending on several factors, including your commitment to the program, fitness level, health, and other factors.

You accept and assume the entire risk of not getting the full return on your investment and always have the option to make use of any guarantees provided. There is no guarantee that any prior success you have had or past results with similar programs will predict future success. There is no guarantee of success if you have completed a previous version of this program/have upgraded to a newer version of the product.

Nothing shared here should replace professional health or fitness advice. You are responsible for doing your own due diligence about our product(s) or program(s) to determine whether this is suitable for you. You are responsible for contacting a doctor, health professional, or fitness coach before acting on any of this information.

The owner of this site and creator(s) of this product/program assume no responsibility for any damages or losses incurred when you act upon the information provided in this program or in our marketing materials, including Facebook ads, emails, and other collateral where our opinions, ideas, or tips are shared and expressed.